October 11, 2010

A Fine October Weekend

Welcome to another sunny October weekend. I was very pleased with the mild weather - beginning at 65 degrees or so in the early morning and warming up to 75 - 80 degrees at the hottest part of the day.

I began the days adventures with a drive to Manheim, PA to enjoy the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. I happily attend every year when I get the chance. Fall was in full swing as we drove down Route 78 and strolled through the fair grounds.

The costumes were wonderful as always. Hallowe'en will be hear before you know it.
On Sunday I returned to Hillsborough and took a nice walk down the Delaware-Raritan Canal, Amwell Road trailhead to Colonial Park.
Photo ops abounded as the 2pm sunshine shown through the colorful leaves.

While I heard several, there was only one Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus sauritus) that stayed in the open long enough for me to grab a quick shot.
As I neared the parking area on my return trip, I reflected that this might be an exciting October indeed if the warm weather continued.

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