August 22, 2010

Another Sandy Hook Trip

Welcome to Sandy Hook Beach, a part of Gateway of National Recreation Area in Atlantic Highlands, NJ. It is around 9am on Saturday, August 21st. Conditions are fair and cool around 75 degrees, with a strong wind coming off the water. As the day goes on, the mercury climbs into the 90's. A light haze cloaks the horizon and ocean waves are steady and light.
After a long walk on the beach, my family and I enjoyed some wave jumping in the ocean. After relaxing in the sun, we headed out around noon. Only a few shorebirds made an appearance along the sandy shore. A Common or Mew Gull (Larus canus), above.
I've been told juvenile gulls have brown speckling like the bird above. But gulls get so big, it may be that interbreeding with dark plumaged birds has created a hybrid.
I believe these are White-rumped Sandpipers (Calidris fuscicollis). They look very similar to the picture accompanying the relevant article on
A Sandpiper and Gull relax on the sand, watching the ocean.
With the water water and clear weather, lots of folks enjoy the South Beach area of the park.
On our way home, we stop by the Mount Mitchell overlook. With so much going on, I hope to get in a few more peaceful hikes next weekend.
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