August 1, 2010

Cooler Weather at Close of July 2010

Saturday morning, July 31st, dawned cool (63 degrees) and clear for the first time in several weeks. I visited Sandy Hook in Highlands, NJ with my family and enjoyed the fine, comfortable, weather on a beach with quiet surf.
While conditions were too cool for me to enjoy swimming, a long walk on the beach was possible in the pleasant (vs. baking) sunlight.
Seagulls (or Common Gulls) (Larus canus) pick a spot free of sun bathers and fisherman to hang out.
In the distance on South Beach, the ongoing bridge/road construction project looms in the distance.
On Sunday, I enjoyed a walk in Colonial Park, in Franklin, NJ. I am fond of Colonial Park due to the large amount of birds, fish, snails and reptiles that abound there. On almost every trip, I capture a new photo of an interesting species.
With the lack of rain this season, duckweed quite covers every stretch of water.
The area has become redolent of swampy smells due to the stagnant water. I found that certain spots are quite stinky now. Large muddy beaches have formed due to the low waterline. Broken shells of snails and even some large, freshwater clams litter the fermenting earth.
Above is an interesting bird that looks just like a Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). While my field guides indicate their typical range is throughout Canada, I can confirm the bird looked just like the picture on the Cornell Lab Ornithology website.
I was impressed by the tolerance of the bull frog (Rana catesbeiana) above. I walked right up next to him and took several photographs and he showed to inclination to give up his spot on the bank.
Above are female Wood ducks (Aix Sponsa). For this picture I used the very highest zoom on my camera to capture a shot from across the water. I now feel confident that a large flock of Wood ducks (and their goslings) have taken up residence in the park.
I look forward to another long walk next weekend if the cooler weather continues.
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