October 3, 2010

Birthday Weekend, October 2010

Yes, a year has gone and I am another year older. It seems like a big change, although it is really just one more year. I celebrated by packing many fun activities into the weekend.

Saturday dawned cool and clear following a week of heavy rains. I waited until the sun had warmed the air, and hit the trail around 11am at Washington Valley Park, Gilbride Road trail head. Where all had been dry and dusty, now every creek was running and the banks of the reservoir were back where they had been before the dry summer. Grass, brush and even young trees were inundated or completely submerged.

A Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) arises wet and glistening on a fallen log.
Further on, an another turtle stands quietly in the sun.
The rock crossing near the East Branch Reservoir was covered by clear flowing water. Water snails explored the newly submerged surfaces at their leisure.
I was pleased by the sunlight cutting through the fresh, crisp air. The high pressure system following the tropical conditions we experienced Thursday and Friday was a big change.
It is the beginning of the autumn season and fall is slowly but surely stealing over the trees.
I had a good moment sitting on some rocks overlooking the falls. I took off all my layers and soaked in the sun while listening to the music of the water falling over the rocks. Then it was noon and time to head home.
Later in the day, I visited Lambertville, NJ - New Hope, PA. The two interesting towns are connected by Bridge Street (above) which passes over the Raritan River.
I had desired to travel out on the river on one of the many ferry boats which provide tours, but due to the heavy flood waters all vessels were tied up, out of the main current. We took a ride on the excursion train (New Hope and Ivy Railroad) out of the small station in New Hope.
On Sunday, I strolled down the canal about 10am. I couldn't resist snapping a few shots of the early fall foliage. While most trees were still green, the changing leaves turned to jewel-like colors in the sunlight.
This shot reminds me a Tiffany window.
A final Green Frog (Rana clamitans) peaks out of the duckweed. It was a good weekend, I hope to power through the additional rain this week to the next adventure Oct. 9th...

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