June 26, 2010
Quick Post this Saturday
June 20, 2010
Congratulations on 25 posts"Up"!
As you may have noticed "Up" is a nature blog, more of an online field notebook than a regular newscast. As its creator, I am quite pleased with what it has become. In future years, I hope to look back on the hikes of my 30th year and admire the creatures and natural landscapes I have encountered.
My current goal has been and remains one post per week, or 52 posts throughout the year. With time at premium between time at work and time on the trail I wasn't sure, initially, if I would meet my 52 post goal. However, I find such satisfaction from seeing each weekly post published and up on the world wide web that I believe I will continue going strong.
June 13, 2010
Hot Day at Washington Valley Reservoir
Below is a view of the Newman Lane parking area approaching from north to south. The parking area is in the middle of a wooded stretch (the rest of the park) and clearly marked by the usual Somerset County park sign.
A major theme of this hike was the low water line. While we have had many cloudy days this season, not too much rain has fallen lately. Many streams had dried up, and the remaining ones were very low. I found many small snails in each shallow area. I couldn't tell if they were especially prolific this year, or if the low waterline was squishing them together into small areas.
I believe this snail is a part of the family Lymnaeidae. However I was unable to narrow it down further. I will have to purchase a mollusk field guide. Unfortunately, not enough snail enthusiasts have taken to the web to make this information readily available. These two were hanging out on a leaf, which I picked up to photograph clearly. As soon as they were clear of the water they began moving fairly quickly towards the edges of the leaf. They can really move when they have to! I replaced the leaf quickly and they settled down again.
I thought this deeper pool would have at least a few frogs hanging out, but I didn't see any (or perhaps they were all camouflaged).
I am sure this is an Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus sauritus). I want to mention again that the parks of Somerset county are not noticeably crawling with snakes and other reptiles. Over the course of many, many hikes where I am specifically looking, listening and sometimes smelling for stuff I have caught a few lucky shots of interesting creatures. If you are hiking along thinking about clouds or your grocery list, it is very possible to encounter very few.
This season's undergrowth has now come in completely, laying a heavy covering over the woods along the reservoirs edge.
I believe this is a Great Blue Huron (Ardea herodias), fishing on the other side of the reservoir from me.
June 6, 2010
4 Hikes on Memorial Day Weekend
Colonial Park was filled with babies on May 28th. Canada geese (Branta canadensis) strut their stuff with their goslings.
A male and female Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) fed 3 or 4 nestlings in their nest made of mud above. Baby birds are all mouth at that age!
A female Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) with her ducklings.
A (full grown) American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). By sneaking up behind him, I was able to confirm the dark stripes on his hind legs. However, he soon sensed my footsteps...
...and hopped off the board to vanish beneath the duckweed.
A young Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) surfaces in the Delaware-Raritan Canal adjacent to the park. This little guy was around 4 inches long.
On Saturday morning, I went for a long hike in Sourland Mountain Preserve. It was a warm, muggy morning where you felt you were swimming rather than walking through the air.
Several creepy crawly creatures were out enjoying the weather. I think of slugs as our little slimy brothers of the wild kingdom. This is a Orange-banded Arion (Arion fasciatus) slug.
The view from the top of the hill has changed now that summer foliage has grown in.
While the sun came out intermittently as I trudged up the hill, the sky eventually hazed over and I plunged into darkness when the trail travelled under the trees.
The white squares marking the path seemed to glow like beacons as I moved through the wet leaves and damp boardwalks.
A caught a glimpse of two of these guys, Apheloria virginiensis. Evidently their only common name is simply "millipede."
A Great gray slug (Limax maximus) moves along a fallen log.
At the junction of several trails, a stone cairn awaits you. I will let you discover its location yourself within the park. It is at least 1/2 hour from the main trail head (unless you hike very fast), so look for it a ways into your hike.
I believe this a Garden Snail (Cepaea nemoralis). I had never seen one before, only found empty shells, and I was very excited by this encounter.
The clearing at marker 9 at Sourland Mountain Preserve. It was a great hike but a little more taxing than I had anticipated - I was pretty tired, damp and dirty in general by they time I made it back to my vehicle.