November 21, 2010

Bicentennial Park, East Brunswick Visit

This weekend I was still recovering from my cold. I spent Saturday indoors, resting and drinking tea, and Sunday taking a short run to a mall in East Brunswick. On the way back I stopped at Bicentennial Park, in East Brunswick.
Bicentennial is a well-visited park with a nature center, tennis courts, a baseball field and a playground. It is located on the southern bank of Lake Farrington.
Away from the parking area, ringing the lake, is a band of woods. A picnic table stands ready for use, surrounded by moss.
A White Birch (Betula papyrifera) grows along the shore.
I found freshwater clam shells abundant in the water.
A Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) (along with several flocks of the same) enjoys a nearby part of the shore.
A large population of Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) also kept me company. There must have been 2 dozen jumping around busily, even in the small area I covered.
A male Mallard Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) poses for his picture. He quacked at me - to confirm consent to make use of his image here, I am sure.

I saw a flash of white and hoped for an egret - a lot of waterfowl hang out in New Jersey all year round. It turned out be the Common Gull (Larus canus), pictured above.
A White Pine (Pinus strobus) guards the parking area.
The bridge that one drives across to reach the far side of the lake. I hope you will visit Bicentennial and enjoy the resources it has to offer. The park is quite approachable and requires no special equipment beyond sandals or sneakers to enjoy. Even with the high human traffic, geese and other small animals seem to fearlessly congregate.
Also on the drive back was Negri-Nepote Grassland.
I jumped out of the car briefly to appreciate the great sense of space the open meadow provides.
When I am feeling better (or perhaps in the Spring), I will read up on the grassland and tour the trails running through it. My initial impression was that it is certainly prime hawk and songbird habitat. Stay warm!

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